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Swagelok Austria

Your Authorized Swagelok Sales and Service Center

Transportation - Hydrogen

Transportation - Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles

More sustainable, greener, less emissions... all this requirements are met with hydrogen mobility. Therefore around the world, government and industry investment in this increasingly attractive and promising technology.

Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles utilize hydrogen gas and oxygen to create electricity in a fuel cell that powers an electric motor, delivering zero emissions operation, major horsepower, and the torque required for heavy-duty applications. Vehicle manufacturers seek to achieve higher efficiency and cut emissions. With our customer-specific solutions for the hydrogen market, we can support you as a whole.

Refuelling with hydrogen Transportation with Hydrogen

Swagelok has been working for almost a decade to provide the right components and solutions for fluid system and hydrogen fuel cell technology to meet its full potential. They are designed for use in many types of hydrogen-related applications, including the infrastructure that produces, processes, compresses, stores and bottles and is used in vehicles. 

SWAGELOK components for Hydrogen applications

When selecting and specifying hydorgen components for reliable operation of vehicles and infrastructure, some important points should be kept in mind:

  • Material selection matters
  • Performance under pressure
  • Components appropriate for application
  • Reliable support

Fitting and adapters of the FK series for medium pressure up to 1551 bar (22 500 psig)

As in industrial applications, fittings and connections in combination with hydrogen must reliably withstand continuous vibrations in vehicles.

Cone and threaded fittings, are mounted manually and the quality of the pipe preparation depends on the respective installer. Imperfections in hydrogen applications have serious consequences. The small hydrogen molecules can escape even through tiny gaps, so that even the smallest leaks can become a serious problem.

For this reason, there is no way around powerful and reliable bolting technology such as Swagelok's FK series to ensure safe operation.


Do you have any questions or are interested in consulting? We look forward to hearing from you.
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